eLearning Marketing

eLearning Marketing and Advertising

Spotlite Learning offers a range of elearning marketing and advertising services. Our services include search engine optimization, social media, email marketing, content creation, and analytics reporting. With the rise of remote work, we play a critical role in helping organizations to market their courses to potential learners. Spotlite’s elearning marketing expertise first starts with a strategy aligned with organization goals. We tailor campaigns based on audience personas and identify the appropriate marketing channels. We continually monitor and optimize performance metrics to create a solid return on investment for eLearning providers. 

eLearning Email Campaigns

Strategic elearning email campaigns are designed to be an extension of your learning platform. First we heavily segment audiences  to target with personalized content that addresses specific interests, goals, and pain points. Then we regularly measures the success of campaigns by tracking key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated. We’re proud of the results our elearning email campaigns achieve always achieving increased open and click-through rates. 

eLearning Social Media

Spotlite Learning can manage your eLearning social media content creation, calendars and deployment. Your brand and training program are extended with exciting social content that resonates with your target audience. We monitor social media channels and analyze metrics to determine how successful certain approaches are. Our  eLearning clients work closely with us to connect training programs with organization goals to reach more customers through social channels.

eLearning Course and Marketing Copywriting

Spotlite Learning’s team of talented writers help take  course and website content to the next level. We write compelling and engaging copy that will grab your audience’s attention and motivate them to take an action. Spotlite Learning can create course copy, web copy, blog posts, or social media content. Our writers are skilled in crafting content that is not only informative but also easy-to-read and enjoyable to digest. Plus, we work closely with you to ensure that your brand voice and message are reflected in every word.